Product Review

 Mellow hot spring egg maker

(over view)
You can make hot spring eggs easily with it. 
It is 988 yen in Amazon.

1. put the eggs
2.fill with boiling water 
3.close the lid
4.wait about thirty minutes spling eggs are combleted!
- can make 1 or 2 hot spling eggs in one go
-size: 120×145×95mm
-weight: 0.19kg

(Pro & Cons)
(+) it is safe because you can make hot spring eggs without using fire.
(+) You doesn't fail.
(+) easy to make
(+) easy to care for
(-) can make only 2 
(-) can use only when you make hot spring eggs.

I give this mellow hot spring egg maker a score of 7/10.

I think it is useful when you want to eat hot spring eggs, kamatamaudon, etc. However I don't eat them every day, so there are a few opportunities to use it.
But it's compact and doesn't take up much space, so if you have one at home, you won't have a problem.


  1. Thank you for sharing amazing product!! It was first time for me to know about hot spring egg maker. I want to try this product someday!

    1. Thank you for sending nice message! I want you to use it someday!

  2. It is great product!! I'm happy to be able to know this, especially, making without using fire is good point!

    1. Thank you for sending nice message! Yes, it can make hot spring eggs safely!

  3. I like this product!! It is easy to make spring eggs!!!

  4. Making spring eggs is difficult but this maker solves the problem! I l want to try making spring eggs using this maker.

  5. My grandmother has this hot spring eggs maker, and I made them before! This maker was easy to use and make!




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